Our model is that of providing interactive “forums” led by mentors of adults who have a strong passion for both leading children and for a particular area of life which nurtures them. These role models complement the youth’s home and school education. We do not intend to substitute for their home nor academic environments but empower both parents and educators to discover and work from the young people’s strengths as they are firmly but healthily stretched through the coaching of the adults and received back into their familiar settings as more autonomous and more loving or at least tolerant and accepting towards others around them.
The young people will be given responsibilities that grow in response to what they are able to handle, from simple chores and exercises to more sophisticated ones vis a vis their environment.
Skills in mastering their immediate surroundings include group food preparation, safety skills around using tools and interacting with animals and equipment used for sports (horsemanship, preparing boats for navigating, fishing tools for flyfishing etc.)
Reflection where traits such as empathy and self awareness can be esteemed will be provided through direction in visual, movement and written expression by adults active in these areas.
Mentors will have been selected and given additional coaching by other experienced mentors, particularly Bret Stephenson. Bret is a published author and trainer who has dedicated his life to working with and helping heal over 10,000 children at risk. We will also invite a variety of identified experts in related fields of emotional health.